Bid Calendar

Updated 4/22/2024

Estimate # Day Bid Date Bid Time Project Owner Estimator MWDBE Completion Pre-Bid Add. Description of Work
24-051 Postponed Postponed 11:00 AM Outdoor Courts and Other Sitework City of Rochester AK 20% MBE
10% WBE
1 Year Term 4/16/2024
11:00 AM
Term contract for repair of City Park athletic courts
24-052 Wed 5/1/2024 2:00 PM Aldrich Road Sidewalk Project Monroe County RK 12% MBE
6% WBE
90 Days None ~390 CY of new sidewalk installation on Aldrich Road from Aldrich Glen to Ayrault Road
24-054 Tue 5/7/2024 1:00 PM Pump Station Rehabilitation Project Orleans County AK None 11/1/2024 4/22/2024
9:00 AM
Rehab existing pump station and install new manhole with channel flow grinder system
24-048 Wed 5/8/2024 3:00 PM Watertown International Airport Rehabilitation of Runway 10-28 Watertown International Airport AK 2.4% DBE 35 Days - Base
30 Days - Alt
11:00 AM
25,000 tons Milling and Overlay Runway 10-28, Lighting, and Safety Improvements
24-056 Thu 5/9/2024 2:00 PM Phase 1 - Pedestrian Enhancements East Rochester High School Campus K-12 Village of East Rochester RK 5% DBE 180 Days 4/25/2024
2:00 PM
667 CY of new sidewalks and ADA improvements at the School and various streets
24-050 Thu 5/9/2024 2:30 PM Water System Phase 2 Improvements Contract No. 2 - Transmission Main Improvements Village of Dundee RK None 12/1/2024 None ~5,000 LF 8" transmission main
24-055 Tue 5/14/2024 2:00 PM 2024 Cleaning and Lining and Lead Service Replacement Project City of Rochester AK 20% MBE
10% WBE
8/29/2025 4/23/20024
10:00 AM
Cleaning and lining 5.5 miles of city water mains and 750 lead services replacements
24-053 Tue 5/21/2024 2:00 PM Maplewood Nature Center
Contract B - GC - Site (GC2)
City of Rochester RK 20% MBE
10% WBE
426 Days 5/2/2024
10:00 AM
Porous parking Lots, concrete plaza, stone dust trails, site utilities, and site improvements

Villager Construction, Inc. welcomes and encourages quotes from M/W/DBE certified subcontractors.

This Dropbox Folder contains plans and specifications for the above listed projects. If you can not find the plans and specifications you are looking for then please feel free to request them by contacting Adam Kohn.

This Dropbox Folder contains plans and specifications for the above listed projects.

If you can not find the plans and specifications you are looking for then please feel free to request them by contacting Adam Kohn.